Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Fic Club Discussion - Sanctuary by jfly

Thursday, February 4

7:00pm PST

Fic-Club Topic Discussion: Sanctuary by jfly

Fic-Club members in attendance:

Chele681 (theficclub)



Conspicuously Absent: twanza

ikss: Yay! KrisB!

KrisB: yay ikss

theficclub: Not sure if Kris pinged, but I'm dragging her in anyway...

ohh, there she is

ikss: Oh..

KrisB: yeah, I want to be here!

ikss: right miss twanza...

theficclub: Miss Twanza... is in a cab....

ikss: brb...getting more carrots :)

theficclub: Will hopefully be here in a bit, but we shall start without her.

ikss: back

theficclub: okay, soundcheck?

ikss: OK so have we all read through the last chapter?

theficclub: Yes, finished this afternoon....

ikss: oh and a reminder - just edit out my typos

theficclub: ditto.

ikss: I reviewed this afternoon. though not everything

KrisB: the nun with the miracle time (although that's a diff chapter)

ikss: (re-entering after being kicked out of the chat) well hello

so hey about that sanctuary...

KrisB: hello

we were just discussing the benefits of Proactive jacking

ikss: hmmm

theficclub: I couldn't tell if it was typical teenage boy behavior, trying to knock him down in front of the girl, or if there was a definite splintering of their friendship

ikss: Oh! that part!

theficclub: I mean, Edward is so driven by his guilt, it's phenomenal...

ikss: why yes, it is that

KrisB: It's rare to see a character as self-loathing as he is

ikss: god love a catholic

KrisB: he makes canon Edward look practically happy-go-lucky

theficclub: ikr? makes canon Edward downright carefree in comparison.

I'm not entirely familiar with the level of dogma, so it's been quite enlightening for me..

and a little shocking..

ikss: shockin?

KrisB: I was raised Catholic - so it's been kind of like flashbacks for me

ikss: ooh...a recovering catholic in our midst

KrisB: I wonder what would have happened if he hadn't been switched from Forks to the Catholic school

theficclub: I'm sure you see levels of this that I don't even comprehend.

KrisB: yeah - still recovering

converted to protestantism when I got married because I thought it would be just as easy to be a lapsed prot as a lapsed cath - i was right

theficclub: That really makes me wonder if Jake's tormenting is really his way to express his frustrations with the way Edward has changed..

ikss: I was never a catholic

but I have had a thing for Priests for many years

KrisB: I do think that jake has issues with his level of devotion

ikss: It's the robes

Oh we're being serious

theficclub: gotta love a man in a dress?

KrisB: when I had Penance (first time you go to confession - 5th grade) every girl wanted to go to Fr Serra because he was young and cute. The other priest was sitting alone in the confessional and Fr Serra had a line out the door

theficclub: hahaha... so typical

ikss: I do think Jake is frustrated with the way Edward changed, Kris

Jake feels competition from god

which is tough competition in anyone's book

theficclub: insurmountable

KrisB: Since jake and edward both end up at cath school for behavioral issues, I would assume Jake resents the change in Edward too

but I also get the impression that his mother, who was very devout, had him saying grace and being fairly religious even before cath school

Poor guy is embarrassed about everything about himself - being smart, being devout, being handsome

theficclub: That's true.. it's got to be ingrained in him.. and so he slips into it easily

KrisB: tough gig

ikss: anyway, I also blame The Thorn Birds for my obsession it priests

theficclub: Priests are a challenge..

makes them hot by definition.. forbidden and all that

KrisB: Not too many attractive ones in my parishes (except Fr Serra)

theficclub: Edward would be like forbidden fruit

no wonder his indiscretions make the paper..

ikss: ah..the forbidden, hot, fruit

KrisB: no question about it - and in a town the size of Forks, with rumors already swirling about Bella... he was doomed

it was a miracle he had not been caught in PA - I think he realized that when Emmett mentioned The Lighthouse

ikss: it's just too bad they didn't catch him lighting up a dooby

KrisB: but I think part of him wanted to get caught

theficclub: I wonder if Jess is going to stand by him?

KrisB: I'm sure she will

ikss: yes, he wanted to get caught

cuz he was too much of a pussy to make a move forward otherwise

theficclub: you think so?

I guess that is the nature of a truly good person..

KrisB: I think there are people who will see it the way Carlisle does - what he did makes him a bad priest, not a bad man

theficclub: makes sense.

he was quitting anyway, though.. right?

KrisB: I think he wanted to get caught even before Bella

Bella pushed him to finally be the one to make the decision

theficclub: wanted to get caught.. or wanted the failure?

to be exposed for the man he thinks he is?

ikss: I don't think he was going to quit until something forced his hand

KrisB: I think when he started, he wanted to be a good priest

theficclub: really? I got the impression he didn't have other choices.. and was going to be the best he could be

ikss: i agree - he had no other choices & felt obligated to Carlisle

KrisB: but when he couldn't make his "profane" urges go away, he decided to do the best work he could, and he did an almost Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde thing

theficclub: total Dr. J and Mr Hyde... the urges he suppressed became concentrated...

KrisB: ikss had me reading this and Hide and Drink at the same time - very similar undertones

Jekyll and Hyde all the way

theficclub: haven't read that one.. good?

KrisB: amazing

ikss: now I’m all about Volition

KrisB: no more recs! you're killing me!

ikss: LOL

well, next week we're supposed to discuss Son of a Preacher Man

so at least read that one

KrisB: twanza loves that fic

but Carlisle found a place to draw the line that was more appropriate than Edward - but he's the same

ikss: I think the difference is that Carlisle was meant to be a priest

KrisB: I think Esme would disagree

ikss: Whereas edward? Not so much

theficclub: yes.. Because Carlisle is at least Jimmy carter style lusting in his heart for Esme, no?

ikss: but you can love without… you know…LOVIN

KrisB: Esme grew up at a time when there was less free access to sin - so he learned to contain it better because there were no outlets

KrisB: I meant Carlisle up there sorry

if there had been a Lighthouse 20 years earlier, he'd have been Edward I think

ikss: really?

I don't think so

I don't even think Edward's issues have anything to do with sex

theficclub: So you think his relationship with esme is non-sexual?

KrisB: I think his relationship is non-sexual, but he loves her and she loves him

ikss: but Carlisle is a totally different man

theficclub: Yeah. I'm not so sure if He'd have gone all Lighthouse...

I do think he is cut from a different cloth, so to speak

ikss: yes, agree that they are in love

KrisB: what do you mean by Carlisle is a diff man?

ikss: "Gone Lighthouse"

it's the new catchphrase

"I've gone all Lighthose" means you're slutting it up

KrisB: for him to have lunch every day with Esme? scandalous

Imagine his personality raised in the Madonna era - he'd have been at the other end of the bar avoiding eye contact with Edward

theficclub: That's true.. I think Esme and Carlisle probably approached their relationship with a more clear level of expectation... Probably not sleeping in the same bed.

ikss: anyway, I meant that Edward transfers everything he has –

his guilt, his feeling, his every thought - into sex

Carlisle doesn’t do that. he wouldn't need to end up at the lighthouse

theficclub: That makes total sense...

Carlisle allows himself the intimate friendship with Esme

the daily connection.. It's channeled in "healthier" ways

ikss: exactly...carlisle has what he has with Esme...edward was wracked with guilt over every little thing because it's never enough

so he subverts all of that through his wiener

KrisB: for the time that they started, though - not much difference

that was the era of Rob and Laura in diff beds on Dick Van Dyke

If it were truly a calling for Carlisle, I think he would have seen that it wasn't for Edward

I was appalled at the recruiting strategy

theficclub: Appalling, yes, but [was it] that unusual...

ikss: that is interesting about Carlisle & Edward, yes

theficclub: The church needs bodies...

He sees the good in edward, and thought that is could benefit him

KrisB: the same organization that blasphemed his mother, though?

theficclub: well.. bad form.. yes

ikss: I have a hard time understanding carlisle's thoughts in recruiting edward, actually

theficclub: which chapter is this?

ikss: edward just talked about it like two chapters ago

when he was smoking pot with jessica, yes?

KrisB: a little, but I'm pretty sure it's detailed earlier

ikss: So while i was reading today, i came across this line in like chapter 11:

Except that I love you, and my entire world stopped making sense the moment you pressed ice cream against my cock.

theficclub: oooh, that line is awesome

ikss: Seriously, would it be weird to have that written on my tombstone?

KrisB: Here's the recruitment

Father Cullen stood there next to the deputy who hadn't bothered to break up the fight that left me broken. Father Carlisle Cullen, whose eyes shone with grace and mercy and love and forgiveness offered me the only path that was left available. I stared into his eyes without moving from my mildewed mattress. I stared until the image of his face was burned indelibly into my mind. And then I let my eyes fall in resignation. I understood as my gaze drifted down to his neck and the collar of servitude that rested there. I understood the irony of my future.

My purgatory would begin before my body would be allowed to rot.

ikss: Yes, but my excerpted line has the word "cock" in it...

KrisB: that is an awesome line about the ice cream though

theficclub: yeah.. he obviously doesn't go in with the best attitude..



He speaks of the collar as if he's going to be shackled

ikss: well, he's pretty much felt that way all thru the story hasn’t he?

KrisB: yes

he's been atoning for his sins since before he really had any

theficclub: It's a nice setup foe the freedom he feels when he wakes up

ikss: as I re-read today, I was struck by how little empathy or real caring he has for the people around him

KrisB: I really thought he had empathy

but it was wrapped up a bit in resentment for the sacrifices he had to make to give it to them

ikss: it is only after he makes his decision that he can look upon others charitably

theficclub: And his resentment toward Newton.. I wonder if Newton is really that deplorable, or if Edward is projecting his distaste for himself and jealousy over his higher level of dedication.. I think she hints at this

ikss: yes, maybe that's what it is

he is resentful, above all else

KrisB: I think that's true with Newton

ikss: and again -

it comes out thru his wiener

KrisB: he's angry that Newton has done better with his hell on earth than Edward

ikss: yes, perfect obsv abt Newton

theficclub: Yes.. Imagine the man he can truly be if he can continue to genuinely care about people, and not feel so disgusted with himself?

I wonder if Bella will forgive him?

KrisB: we said it early - the self-loathing is incredible

ikss: well, seeing as this is fan fic I say she will

KrisB: I think she already has

ikss: but SHOULD she?

theficclub: eh... hard to say...

KrisB: I don't think she knows enough, but I think she should

the old "he who is without sin"

theficclub: If I were her mother, I'd say no..

KrisB: she's just as guilty as he is

the forbidden fruit thing - she knows he's forbidden

and climbs into his room

theficclub: but since I've had intimate knowledge of Edwards inner monologue..

I'm gonna give him a free pass..

ikss: yes, but that hasn't stopped her from being very forward

some of the things she's done!

theficclub: Perhaps more so..... She's got malice aforethought..

who sneaks into the priests window?

KrisB: exactly

theficclub: the town slut..

that's who..

not that I think that's a bad thing....

but it wouldn't paint her in a very good light, obviously...

ikss: seriously

KrisB: she falls for him when she doesn't know he's a priest

ikss: yes, for like five seconds

KrisB: but if she found out that he was married at that moment, how would we view her actions

ikss: she finds out he's a priest pretty quickly

KrisB: she doesn't know until after practice, right?

ikss: yes, after practice

then don't you think...

hmm...maybe I should NOT climb in thru his window...

theficclub: ikr? I mean, I'm glad she did.. very short story otherwise

ikss: maybe I should NOT touch his erect penis, by the way

you know...his being a priest and all...

KrisB: how long after

ikss: when she saw him like the next day

KrisB: maybe not ASK to touch it

or see it

or sleep with it

theficclub: Yeah.. when choosing a man with which to explore one's sexuality, there were probably better choices..

but, on the other hand... If edward had shut her down, definitively..

the first time...

IT's a partnership...

they would make fun parents...

ikss: yes, it is all edward's fault of course

he is the guy, after all

theficclub: I’m... I'm calling this one a tie

a fortunate one...

ikss: seriously

how hot were those scenes when she was all explorative?

theficclub: It's that dance, game of chicken.. waiting to see who's going to blink first.

ikss: this story makes me feel the need to say many hail marys and our fathers

theficclub: ummm yeah... We do like feeling naughty...

KrisB: I just checked - she doesn’t find out he's a priest until the baptism

days later

theficclub: yeah... but for sure she know's when climbing in the window...

ikss: So kids. It’s 11pm your time now. Any words of wisdom re Sanctuary?

as sort of a summation to our dissertation here?

KrisB: near one of my fave lines "God Bless lactation"

theficclub: 1. Edward makes a hot Priest.

ikss: oh yes...God Bless Lactation

theficclub: 2. "God Bless lactation"

Make that #1

ikss: and remember to always share your weed with your priest

theficclub: At least offer.

It's only polite

ikss: it's polite


theficclub: hehe

ikss: I owe you a coke

theficclub: 3. Only Edward could make riding a moped seem sexy

ikss: The Confessional Wank is the Sexiest Wank of all

KrisB: But he's now going to be a hot ex-priest, so the mystery is will Princess Bella let him cross the moat and storm the castle?

And will fair Jessica be lady in waiting, or will she profess her love?

ikss: i feel some moat crossing and castle storming coming soon

KrisB: good lord I hope so

theficclub: yes.. #4

KrisB: and what is up with the lady that rubs her naughty bits up against the grate? Eww

ikss: seriously, wouldn’t that hurt the naughty bits?

not to mention...unsanitary!

KrisB: sure seems so

I'm retroactively grossed out for every trip to the confessional

theficclub: Might want to take a Wet-Wipe in there.

I worry about Jessica

I think she may flip it and try to claim it.

just saying

KrisB: and I hope he gets better transport than the Vespa

theficclub: Yeah.. kind glad he crashed that badboy

last vestiges of his former life's failures

and that takes something, cuz that was no walk in the park to begin with

KrisB: OH - we cannot part without paying homage to the Hairection

funniest freakin thing I've read in a long time

ikss: #5 always hide the wet spot when Mike comes to collect the laundry

oh yes! Hairection!

theficclub: ooh, where was the hairection?

ikss: when they first meet

Bella tells him he has one

that should be #1...just Hairection!

KrisB: better than when Rob calls it the bouffaint

theficclub: #1 it is.

So it was written.. it shall be done

KrisB: must mention that she writes smutty fanfic too

ikss: WHO DOES?

Sorry - caps lock – not yelling

theficclub: ?

KrisB: Bella

in the story

Bella writes smutty fanfic

ikss: OH!


theficclub: oooooh that's right.. I forgot about the smut

ikss: so do we have our assignments for next week?

theficclub: Are we all primarily caught up on SoaPM?

KrisB: I am a SoaPM virgin

but I have read the FFFA outtake

theficclub: ooooh... think you can knock it out in a week?

ikss: well get to readin!

it will fly by, I swear

the FFFA outtake was uber-hot

KrisB: only if ikss stops recommending things and I don't get any more beta work - we are supposed to have a mother of a snow storm

ikss: OK kids

theficclub: Well, this was pretty cool....

until next week then?

ikss: yes next week

theficclub: turning into a pumpkin.

Thanks for coming out to play

KrisB: thanks for having us

theficclub: yes...

ikss: so chele are you gonna pretty this nonsense up and post it?

theficclub: I may do excerpts...

but I think to do the whole will violate the rules of fic club

KrisB: you don't think the entire missive is priceless?

theficclub: whatever they are

ikss: what rules?

KrisB: we have RULES?

ikss: exactly

theficclub: Rule #1

Do not talk about Fic Club
That's as far as I've made it.

So Let's just keep it vague and random...

KrisB: #2 don't eat yellow snow

theficclub: or for Twanza... ambiguous.

KrisB: #3 put the fucking seat down when you're done and try to hit the fucking water

theficclub: yeah... good luck with that

KrisB: use cheerios if you need a target

ikss: OK, I sense a personal rant coming on here

walk away, Kris

theficclub: haha on that note.

I am off like a prom dress..

ikss: Bye kids!

ikss: so where do i stand in line to kick twanza's ass?


So in summation, here are the top ten things we have learned from reading Sanctuary:

10) Edward makes One Sexy Priest.

9) When you climb through a Priest’s window at night and ask to touch his erect penis, you may become known as the town slut.

8) Writing smutty fiction is a great way to get under your priest’s robes.

7) Always hide the wet spot when Mikey comes to collect the laundry.

6) Only Edward can make riding a moped seem sexy.

5) The Confessional Wank is the sexist wank of all.

4) The rubbing of one’s naughty bits against the grate of a confessional can be painful and may well be unsanitary.

3) Always share your weed with your priest (or at least offer. It’s the polite thing to do).

2) God Bless Lactation.

1) Hairection!

We hope that each of you will take some time to read Sanctuary, for it is truly one of the fandom’s great treasures.

This week (Thursday, February 11, 7:00pm PST), we will be discussing Son of a Preacher Man by LaViePastiche. If you would like to join in the discussion, please ping between 6:55 – 7:05 for inclusion. Up to six participants will be chosen during a completely random and arbitrary process. Until further notice, the gchat function will be used for these discussions.

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